A full month later

We were a little ahead of most when it came to self isolating and locking down. We saw the winds a blowin’ and were settled in earlier than most. It’s been a full month in this household of battening down the hatches and watching on aghast at seemingly smart types proudly posting a picture of their latest IKEA haul. Hey the state hasn’t locked us down yet right?

Today’s April 11th, the last I left the house in any shape or form, other than to walk the dog or pull up weeds, was March 11th, a fun meal out with a friend. I ate this burger that night…

Thankfully life on lockdown has been just as delicious. I’ve been surprised at how much less food stuff I waste. With the prospect of limited re-supply, there’s more creativity in using leftovers or random cans and jars. I like this.

I’ve continued to lose a little weight, more than likely from adjusting to non drinking every can of beer under the sun, and just having a nightly wine hour or four.

The last month has passed in the bat of an eyelid for me personally. I could do another, I could probably do three or six easily enough. I often thought I’d do well on a remote research station like the Antarctic or even Mars.

All that said, I completely understand I have an incredibly privileged lifestyle. I’m very lucky, stupidly lucky. I can still get the odd food delivery, my real job continues apace and thank god, unaffected for now. I have a garden I can relax in. I have stockpiles of wine and Marlboro and sausage and rice.

Random video for no reason

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